A Messy World, Being Kind, Childhood grief, Gratitude, Grief, Love, Moments, Motherless Daughter, On Writing, Storytelling, Writing Memoir, Writing on Grief

Showing Myself Kindness

It’s a messy world out there and I’m one of those deeply feeling people Glennon Doyle Melton is talking to when she says,

“You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.”

These words have really helped me. And my new goal with this quote in mind, is to be the kindest person I can be…to myself.

I’m writing a memoir about losing my mother to ovarian cancer when I was 11 years old. In fact, I’ve written the book. I just have to edit it, again, for maybe the eighteenth time, because I’m determined to get this just right. So I’m back editing my memoir, and it’s painful. It’s painful because I have to reread all the heartbreaking things that happened in my childhood as a result of Mam getting cancer: the first time my mother told my brother and me that she needed to go into hospital to get an operation; the time I lay awake in bed crying into the night because I missed her; those Mother’s Days when Mam was not around; the Christmas she couldn’t be with us at home because she was in hospital; the time she got stung by a wasp when she was already so sick and weak; when my eyes landed on her smiling face as she waved from the back of a taxi returning unexpectedly from the hospital and I almost exploded with happiness because there she was, heading home, to be with us; gripping my dad in the hallway of our home as sympathizers lined up to tell us how sorry they were…

Every time I reread, rearrange, rewrite the words, they hurt my heart. So, these days in particular, as I write my memoir, I need to be kind to myself.

Writing Briefly I Knew My Mother has been cathartic for me because it has allowed me to feel, to cry and to release my grief while I process all that happened. But it’s not easy to go back over the story day in and day out, year in and year out, while I reexamine the writing, query agents and wait.

Yesterday while I was meditating online with Oprah and Deepak, I realized how tight my jaw was and that my neck ached. I noticed how good it felt to lie on my yoga bolster and breathe.

I breathed in and I let go. I let go of all thoughts and I relaxed my body deeper into the bolster.

I’m a newly wed and exhausted from all that the wedding entailed. The upcoming election has me exhausted. The injustices around the world leave me weary. With all of this and my current work project, so close to my heart yet utterly draining at times, I decided I needed to be more kind to myself. I wanted to find a way to connect with my deepest self, to fill up with gratitude for what I do have in my life, for the gifts around me. I created this simple, yet potentially powerful set of reflections.


Throughout my day I allow myself a few minutes to sit with these questions and at night I run through them in my mind before going to sleep. There is grounding to be found in each reflection as I’m reminded to take a moment for myself. These reflections offer an opportunity to express gratitude, receive nurturing and experience joy. Each one speaks to who I am.

I shall continue working on Briefly I Knew My Mother; my mother’s story. My story. Our story. Stories have a beautiful way of connecting all of us, touching others, bridging differences and splitting our hearts wide open in this messy, messy world. But we do need to allow ourselves moments of kindness throughout the day. And I remind myself that I am not a mess, I am a feeling person, sharing my story in this challenging, but beautiful world.

Much love,

Carmel X

Like or follow my public Facebook page here where I frequently post articles, quotes & information about mother loss, grief and the writing process.



14 thoughts on “Showing Myself Kindness

  1. Masha says:

    I feel you. beautiful writing, Carmel. Thank you for reminding us to have self-compassion. Magical how “less is more”. My heart jumps when you talk about how stories connect us all. Through time and space. Amazing how works of art break great walls, break walls we didn’t know existed. ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Masha. It means a lot to me. Yes, art is so healing. Pouring ourselves into creativity is one way to overcome, and get through the tough times.


  2. Pingback: The Important Role My Dad Played in My Life Following My Mother’s Death. | Alovelywoman

  3. Carmel, I love, love, love your honesty and insight. Thank you for putting into words what many of us feel and think. I especially needed to hear the quote, that I am not a mess, simply a feeling person in a messy world. I too am writing my story of mother loss. My mother died when I was four years old, of a brain tumor. As I write, I find I really don’t have any memories of her. My memories are really stories family members have shared, and while that makes me incredibly sad… it is my truth.
    Thank you, Carmel, for your beautiful writing. Best wishes on the editing!!!


    • Thank you so much. I am so sorry for your loss. How terribly sad to lose your mother when you were only four years old. I am currently querying agents which is a long process. Best of luck with your memoir. X


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